成果推介‖乔振华、黄颖利:《Land use policy》,Urban sustainable development goals and ecosystem services: Pathways to achieving coordination,2024

来源:    发布人:   发布时间:2024-09-29   浏览次数:



题名:Urban sustainable development goals and ecosystem services: Pathways to achieving coordination

期刊:Land use policySSCIIF:6,中科院一区,学院标志性期刊)

摘要:It has been widely recognized that progress toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be better harmonized with Ecosystem Services (ESs) to tackle global challenges. In China, the National Key Ecological Function Areas (NKEFAs) were set up as one of the ecological fiscal transfer projects. Despite its significant influences on the SDGs-ESs nexus, there is a lack of empirical studies on the effects and mechanisms of policy. In response, this study provides a synthesized framework that incorporates the coupling coordination degree between the Urban Sustainable Development Goals (USDGs) and Ecosystem Services Scores (ESSs), empirically verifies the policy effect using the difference-in-differences model, and then further investigates the mechanisms of government action to coordinate urban SDGs and ESs. The results show that: (1) The coupling coordination degree between USDGs and ESSs varies significantly across different regions but steadily increases over time, with a faster increasing rate of coordination degree growth in NKEEFAs pilot cities compared to non-pilot cities. (2) The policy has demonstrated benefits in coordinating USDGs and ESSs with a coefficient of 0.005. In detail, the policy enhances ESSs but concurrently exerts a negative influence on USDGs, with coefficients are 0.008 and -0.004 respectively, suggesting an uneven distribution of the policy's impacts. (3) The study unveils the 'technological innovation effect' and the 'industrial agglomeration effect' as crucial mediating pathways for policy effect, laying a solid foundation for USDGs and ESSs coordination. In total, the study highlights the critical need to account for regional development disparities and adequate funding in ecological protection policies to ensure fairness and effectiveness from a central decision-making standpoint. It recommends enhancing transparency in fiscal expenditures and fostering regional joint coordination to address local government challenges. These insights from this study can offer valuable guidance for policymakers to refine policy implementation and promote the coordination of regional ESs and SDGs.


乔振华,博士研究生。先后在《生态学报》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Land use policy》等期刊发表论文,曾获国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金、优秀研究生、国家基金委联合培养博士生等。现主持博士创新项目一项。研究方向为生态经济与可持续发展。

黄颖利,博士,东北林业大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师。现任东北林业大学科学技术研究院副院长,黑龙江省政府特聘碳汇经济专家、黑龙江省产业创新协同体系碳汇经济首席专家、黑龙江省现代林业与碳汇经济发展高端智库首席专家。主要从事生态产品价值实现、气候变化经济学、生态经济、绿色高质量发展等方面的研究。主持国家新文科项目;教育部人文社会科学项目;国家博士后基金一等奖项目;十四五国家重点研发课题子课题;黑龙江省政府重大委托项目;黑龙江省自然科学基金项目等。近5年发表 CSSCI、CSCD、SCI 论文 40多篇。

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