成果推介‖作者:曹博、朱洪革、王玉芳:《Forest Policy and Economic》,Has China’s “only-out, no-in” staff-reduction policy alleviated the material deprivation of forestry worker families? Evidence from China’s Natural Forest Protection Program,2024
发布人: 发布时间:2024-12-24 浏览次数:
题名:Has China’s “only-out, no-in” staff-reduction policy alleviated the material deprivation of forestry worker families? Evidence from China’s Natural Forest Protection Program
期刊:Forest Policy and Economic(SSCI、JCR一区、影响因子4、学院标志性期刊)
摘要:The existing literature primarily assesses the effectiveness of self-governance models in decentralized forest management, while studies on state-centered government regulation are scarce. This gap may introduce biases in comparative analyses of forest management models. This paper provides new evidence to evaluate China's government regulation model from a welfare perspective. First, we construct a material deprivation index (MDI) of forestry worker families based on a new individual-level household survey data collected from 56 state forest enterprises (SFEs) across three provinces in China. Second, combined with historical enterprise-level attrition data in SFEs, we find that, during the period of China's Natural Forest Protection Program, the “only-out, no-in” staff-reduction policy alleviated the material deprivation of forestry worker families. Various identification strategies including the instrumental variable method have confirmed the above causal relationship. Third, we further divide the MDI into three subindexes: quality of life, living environment, and social relations. We find that the cumulative staff-reduction scale has negative causal effect on reducing forestry worker families’ material deprivation in terms of the second subindex, but has no effect in terms of the first and third subindexes. Lastly, when the sample is divided into two groups—households living on the mountain and down the hill—the negative causal effect exists only for the latter group. These results update the empirical literature on government regulation model effectiveness and provide significant references for comparative studies on forest management model diversity. They hold substantial implications for the innovation and optimization of forest management models in developing countries.

曹博,男,讲师。博士毕业于东北林业大学经济管理学院,目前就职于中南林业科技大学商学院农林经济管理系。先后在《Forest Policy and Economics》、《Forests》、《Land》、《统计与决策》、《世界林业研究》、《林业经济问题》等期刊发表多篇论文。曾获省级社会实践先进个人、优秀研究生等荣誉。博士在读期间累计参加导师主持省部级、国家林草局课题共12项,主持博士创新项目一项。研究方向为林业经济理论与政策、多维相对贫困、林业社区家庭福祉提升机制等。

朱洪革,男,东北林业大学教授,博士生导师。东北林业大学林业经济管理学科获得管理学博士学位,曾在中国社会科学院农村发展研究所博士后流动站工作。目前任东北林业大学农林经济管理一级学科带头人,是黑龙江省现代林业与碳汇经济发展智库的首席专家之一。兼任中国林业经济学会理事、黑龙江省林业经济学会副秘书长、中国林业经济学会森林生态经济专业委员会副主任委员等职务。主要研究方向为国有林区林业经济理论与政策,先后在《中国农村观察》、《Energy》、《Forest Policy and Economics》、《中国农村经济》、《林业科学》等国内外高水平期刊发表数十篇。主持国家重点研发计划子课题、教育部人文社会科学研究规划课题、长期承担国家林业和草原局发展研究中心规划课题以及省级重点课题多项。获得东北林业大学教学成果奖、教学质量优秀奖、教学改革奖、优秀本科生指导教师等荣誉称号。